From the swimming pool to open water: 10 tips for success:

By Coach Yan Busset

  1. Build your confidence in open water. For many people, swimming in a lake, sea, or river can be intimidating. Therefore, it’s important to become comfortable in this environment and master the elements to improve your swimming technique.
  2. Adapt your swimming technique to open water conditions. Unlike a smooth pool, choppy water requires a different approach. Consider using a wider arm recovery and increasing stroke frequency for momentum. Practice bilateral breathing and front breathing for better sighting.
  3. Practice navigation skills to improve your open water swim time. Focus on swimming in a direct line from point A to B and develop skills like frequent sighting and stroke symmetry.
  4. Invest in a high-quality triathlon/open water wetsuit that fits well and offers flexibility. A poorly fitting wetsuit can drain your energy and hinder your performance.
  5. Swim in a group and practice drafting to prepare for race day. Swimming in a group is safer and provides a challenge for your technique. Drafting behind or beside another swimmer can save time, up to 7 seconds per 100m depending on your swim level.
  6. Take the time to adjust your wetsuit correctly by pulling up the legs and sleeves for optimal range of motion.
  7. Do a proper warm-up before getting into the water, including arm spins or stretch cords, to avoid starting the swim out of breath. Complete your warm-up in the water.
  8. Use a swim safety buoy not only for safety and visibility but also to carry valuables like your car keys and phone, allowing you to swim with peace of mind.
  9. Before starting your swim, scan the surroundings for landmarks that can assist with navigation.
  10. (For triathletes) Practice taking off your wetsuit as quickly as possible during open water swims to save time on race day.

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