What’s a triathlon wetsuit? Why do I need one?

It’s possible to do a triathlon without a wetsuit if the water is warm enough. However, if you’re training for a triathlon or want to swim in colder water, you’ll likely want to invest in a proper open water/triathlon wetsuit. Why is that? A triathlon wetsuit keeps you warm in cold water, makes swimming easier, and provides added safety due to its buoyancy.

There are different types of wetsuits for kayaking, SUP boarding, swimrunning, and surfing. But a triathlon wetsuit is specifically designed for open water swimming. It offers flexibility, comfort, buoyancy, and easy removal after the swim. It’s typically made of neoprene, with a maximum thickness of 5 mm as per the rules of Ironman and the World Triathlon.

A wetsuit is mandatory in triathlon events when the water temperature is below 16 degrees Celsius. However, based on individual preferences, most people find it comfortable to swim with a triathlon wetsuit in water temperatures ranging from 17 to 26 degrees. This means you can enjoy wild water swimming in rivers, lakes, and the sea from early season to well into autumn.

Most triathlon wetsuits are made of Yamamoto neoprene rubber, regardless of the brand. However, there are differences in terms of flexibility, durability, and smoothness. Typically, the legs and torso feature thicker neoprene for maximum buoyancy, while the arms and shoulders have thinner neoprene for optimal flexibility. Some triathlon wetsuits even have grip panels on the sleeves to enhance your swim stroke efficiency.

A triathlon wetsuit indeed makes swimming easier and can improve your speed by as much as 5-10 seconds per 100m. This advantage is particularly beneficial for novice swimmers because the wetsuit provides buoyancy and helps maintain proper body position in the water. Beginners may prefer a wetsuit with greater buoyancy in the legs. On the other hand, elite swimmers with a powerful kick may opt for a wetsuit with less buoyancy to leverage their kicking technique.

Your first triathlon wetsuit doesn’t have to be overly expensive. Even entry-level triathlon wetsuits offer warmth and decent buoyancy. High-end triathlon wetsuits provide superior flexibility, durability, comfort, and speed. There are also wetsuits available for children.

To learn more about choosing the right wetsuit, check out this article: Essential Tips for Choosing Your First open water swimming Wetsuit

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